Morgans Canada Blonde
Blonde - Colour 4 ebc, bitterness 16 ibu’s Light-medium hopped, straw colour, light-medium body. 100% 2 row barley..
Morgans Canada Pilsner
Styled after Canada’s top selling beer, this pilsner style lager is brewed using German aromatic hops that lend a spicy flavour to the beer. Well-balanced, crisp and delicate yet with a fruity charact..
Morgans Canadian Ipa
A new lighter tasting India Pale Ale, brewed from the finest pale malt and floral hops. Based on the famous brew of Nova Scotia, it’s unique character can now be enjoyed coast to coast. SRM 4 IBU 22..
Morgans Canadian Lager
This refreshing lager is brewed the traditional way using pale malt, imported hops, lager yeast and spring water. Lighter in taste than pilsner or I.P.A.SRM 4 IBU 20..
Morgans Canadian Light
A lighter bodied version of Canada’s famous pilsner lager. It’s crisp, clean taste appeals to all beer lovers, especially during the hot summer months.SRM 3.5 IBU 18..
Morgans Canadian Red
A distinct beer variety that produces a full bodied amber ale. It is specially prepared for full flavour and clarity...