Yeast & Additives
Clarity Ferm
Clarity Ferm is an easy-to-use enzyme that eliminates chill haze in beer and serves as an alternativ..
Dextrose 1kg
Dextrose or corn sugar is the traditional sugar used in home-brewing. Most beer kits require 1 kilog..
Dextrose Priming Sugar 180g
Dextrose or corn sugar is the traditional sugar used in home-brewing. This packet is used to prime ..
Fermentis Safale S-04 Yeast
The ideal yeast for English & American ales, with balanced fruity notes English ale brewer’s yeast s..
Fermentis Safale S-33 Yeast
Ideal yeast to enhance hoppy and fruity expressions of your ale beers Fruity driven strain, gives a ..
Fermentis Safale Us-05 Yeast
The all-road neutral ale yeast American ale brewer’s yeast producing neutral and well-balanced ales,..
Fermentis Safale Wheat WB-06 Yeast
Brewer’s yeast providing fruity and phenolic character, varying with the fermentation conditions. Pr..
Fermentis Saflager S-23 Yeast
The solution for fruity and hoppy lagers Bottom fermenting brewer’s yeast originating from Berlin in..
Fermentis Saflager W-34/70 Yeast
The strong & robust lager ideal for neutral beers This famous brewer’s yeast strain from Weihensteph..
Heading Powder
Brew Heading Powder is used to increase the head formation and retention in bottled beers. Add 1 tsp..
Labrew New England Yeast
LalBrew™ New England is an ale strain selected specifically for its ability to produce a unique frui..
Labrew Nottingham Yeast
Nottingham is an English style ale yeast selected for its high performance ability and versatility. ..
Mangrove Jack's Bavarian Lager Yeast
A bottom fermenting yeast suitable for most lager styles. Promotes less sulphur production than othe..
Mangrove Jack's Bavarian Wheat Yeast
Deliciously smooth, light golden in colour, full bodied aromas of vanilla and banana and a lingering..
Mangrove Jack's California Lager Yeast
A unique lager strain that has the ability to ferment at ale temperatures without the associated off..